
Empowering Families with Clean Water

Sada gathers water for her family from the swamp that borders her small gardens. They use the water not only at their home, but also to irrigate their gardens. Sada… Read More

WASH 101: Chemical Alteration – Chlorine

Thanks for joining us again as we continue our conversation about potential solutions for the global water crisis. A quick reminder – if you’ve missed any part of our WASH… Read More

WASH 101: Electromagnetic Radiation

Last month, our WASH 101 series finally got to the fun part of discussing the global water crisis – talking about solutions. And we’re going to continue that conversation over… Read More

WASH 101: “Sourcing” Solutions

At 20 Liters, we believe that before you can solve a problem, you need to understand that problem. So, if you’re just joining our WASH 101 conversation, I would encourage… Read More

WASH 101: It Matters Where You Live

We’ve come a long way since the World Health Organization and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme [better known as the JMP] started tracking progress on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene goals in… Read More

WASH 101: H is for Hygiene

When I was a kid, I was mildly obsessed with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. Then a few years ago, I was watching “The Avengers” and I learned something consciousness… Read More

WASH 101: S is for Sanitation

I live with a toddler who recently developed an interest in beginning potty training… so “toilet-talk” is pretty common in my life. So, trust me, there are a thousand different… Read More

WASH 101: A is for A Shared Language

Before we start talking about solutions to the global water crisis – let’s get technical! Specifically, we need a shared language to talk about what different solutions accomplish for people… Read More

Why 20 Liters Inspires Me

Recently, 20 Liters asked our Sustaining Liters to tell us why they choose to support 20 Liters with a monthly gift. All of your responses touched our hearts. But, when… Read More

Let me praise you, you brought relief

20 Liters relies on dedicated local volunteers in Rwanda to implement the Water Project. They mobilize the community. They assemble filters. Volunteers train recipients. And in some cases, our volunteers… Read More

Wash 101: W is for Water

I’m passionate about clean water and I want you to be passionate about clean water too. But it can be hard to care deeply about something you don’t really understand…. Read More

The Miracle of Clean Water

Nyiraneza is a mother of four living in the Gashora Sector of Rwanda. She and her husband moved to Gashora eight years ago. The first challenge they faced was finding… Read More

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