Clementine is a 29-year-old mother of three children between the ages of 3 and 6. She and her husband, Yves, live in the Gashora sector of Rwanda. Each day, Clementine bikes to the nearest lake to collect the water her family needs for the day.

The water from the lake is very dirty and often made their family sick. They boiled the water to alleviate their sickness. But, this drove up the amount of money they were spending on firewood.
Then, the Water Project was introduced in their community about a year and a half ago. Local leaders and community health workers urged families to take trainings on drinking safe water. Clementine attended these trainings and soon after received a water filter through the program.
Clementine still bikes each day to the nearest lake to collect water for her family. But now she filters that water into a jerrycan before using it.
Clementine is so happy to have a filter and wishes that more were available for her neighbors. But in the meantime, there are two other families who use their filter each day to clean their dirty lake water and any thirsty passerby is always welcome to stop by for cup of clean, safe water.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35
You can help 20 Liters make dirty water clean for thirsty families like Clementine’s by deciding to take access to clean water personally and getting involved. You can make a gift, start a walk, engage your faith community, or shop for clean water. Thank you for your support!