Volunteering + Something Even Better

June 4, 2018

Posted by Bob Andrews, 20 Liters Volunteer

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Helping those in need has been a part of Steve Nauta’s life since he was a child.

At an early age, his mother instilled in him the importance of helping others, something that has driven him throughout his life, both in his career and in his charitable volunteer work. Steve’s work for Habitat for Humanity and his volunteer work with 20 Liters allows him to live his life in a way that honors his faith as well as his long-held belief that helping others in need is always the right thing to do.

Steve first became aware of 20 Liters while attending an adoption group meeting at Mars Hill Bible Church. The story and the work of 20 Liters, struck a nerve with Steve. Access to clean water, Steve thought, is literally one of the most basic necessities for all life on Earth, and the fact that so many around the world don’t have access to even this most simple and critical requirement didn’t sit well with Steve. He wanted to do something to help right this wrong.

Steve found his place as a Filter Build Leader and Inventory Manager for 20 Liters Filter Builds.

20 Liters makes dirty water clean through innovative and long-lasting solutions – including through several water filtration technologies. Some of those technologies rely on volunteers in the U.S. to assemble or build the filters. 20 Liters Filter Builds gather volunteers to get hands-on in the fight for clean water. At these events, volunteers complete the initial assembly of filter components. As a Filter Build Leader, Steve helps oversee this process, ensuring that each Filter Build runs smoothly.

Steve’s participation in Filter Builds has also gone beyond leading events.

During the Christmas season, Steve and his wife Kristen got to thinking about what they could do with their own family to make the holiday a bit less material, and a bit more meaningful. The family’s 15-year-old niece made the suggestion that the family should participate in a 20 Liters Filter Build in place of some of those excessive presents; and a new Nauta Family Tradition was born.

The whole family, from Steve and Kristen’s young children to Kristen’s 77-year-old mother, attended a Filter Build together… and something marvelous happened: They had fun. Together. By helping others.

It was this first family filter build that convinced Steve that he was doing the right thing. Volunteering as a Filter Build Leader was one thing. Getting his whole family to work together, spending quality time together in the service of others on the other side of the planet, was something even better.

For more information about Filter Build events, including events tailored for your workplace, family or other group, visit make.20liters.org. You can also find more information about volunteer opportunities with 20 Liters at 20liters.org/volunteer.

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