Sharing Clean Water with Neighbors

August 2, 2024

Posted by Dave, Executive Director

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A Constant Concern

“When I drink water from it [the filter], I feel refreshed and safe,” Solange confidently shares.

Having our thirst quenched by water is something we can relate to but knowing the glass of water you hold is safe does not usually cross our mind. Unfortunately, unsafe drinking water is all too common in the Ngoma District of Rwanda.

Solange was in a tough spot knowing the necessity of water yet not having access to a clean source. This wife and mother of four fetched surface water from a nearby lake. With no other option, they used the water untreated for cooking and drinking. She shares the impact of waterborne diseases, “This resulted in frequent illnesses among our children.” Treatment meant mustering the energy to gather firewood for boiling the water – a difficult task after a long day of agricultural work. Finding firewood often proved challenging.

“Fortunately, our situation changed when we were provided with a 20 Liters SAM3 water filter. Now, we enjoy potable water, and my children no longer suffer from intestinal worms. I no longer fall ill from consuming contaminated water, a problem I had faced before receiving the filter,” Solange states with relief.

Sharing is Caring

The health benefit of the 20 Liters water filter extends far beyond the walls of their household. Solange shares, “It has also benefited other households in our community. This filter provides water to three households, totaling 16 people, all benefiting from this filter and accessing clean drinking water.”

None of this would have been possible without the partnership of 20 Liters and World Relief and this transformational intervention. Solange passes on her appreciation, “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to World Relief and 20 Liters for providing us with this life-changing filter.”

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