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Rarely do great things get accomplished alone.

Through our partnerships with World Relief Rwanda and local Rwandan churches, 20 Liters trains volunteers, teaches health and hygiene skills, and delivers clean water solutions to the most vulnerable. From the very beginning, local communities are empowered to be the ones leading the change.

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The Promise of a Brighter Future

Indoor plumbing is nonexistent in Abiyunze, a village found in the Ngoma District of Rwanda. The lack of clean water brought heartbreaking hardships to this village. Kabano, a husband and… Read More

Clean Water Brings Financial Freedom

Clean Water Brings Financial Freedom The luxury of clean water seemed unattainable to Byanone and his family. The challenges to purify untreated water from the nearby lake were many, including… Read More

Waters of Hope

Dedicated to Serving Others No Matter What Valerie is a 62-year-old caregiver living in Rwanda’s Ngoma district with a heart as generous as her age. She is not just the… Read More

Clean Water is Transforming Lives at the Jarama Health Center

Located in Ngoma district lies Jarama Health Center – a vital lifeline for the 30,773 residents of Rwanda’s Jarama sector. Every day, this bustling health facility caters to the diverse… Read More

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