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Rarely do great things get accomplished alone.

Through our partnerships with World Relief Rwanda and local Rwandan churches, 20 Liters trains volunteers, teaches health and hygiene skills, and delivers clean water solutions to the most vulnerable. From the very beginning, local communities are empowered to be the ones leading the change.

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A Family’s Journey to Health, Hope, and Deepening Faith

Follow the doctor’s orders When you don’t feel well, everyday tasks become harder to complete. For Manase, a diagnosis of hypertension added to the already difficult task of providing for… Read More

Annonciata’s Journey to “Tunoze Isuku” (Improved Cleanliness”

We do a little more than water… Cultural practices and social norms can often obscure the impact they have on our health. This was true for Annonciata, a farmer, wife… Read More

Back to School

Think back… Take a moment to think about when you went to school as a child. Do you remember being excited to spend time with friends? What about all the… Read More

Benefits Multiply…Again

When you are fighting daily for your health and your life, everything is a drain. But when those burdens are lifted, the benefits multiply. For parents Jacqueline and Jean, fetching… Read More

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